Data: Versiunea 1 in vigoare de la 2024-12-12

1. Introducere

Consumer Voice este o platforma detinuta si operata de Wave Advertising Group SRL, cu sediul social la Str. Sovata nr. 14, Oras Pantelimon, Ilfov, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub nr. J23/760/2021, cod unic de inregistrare 19285421, si poate fi contactata la adresa de email

Documentul de mai jos stabileste termenii de utilizare ai platformei Consumer Voice si facilitatile oferite. Inainte de a utiliza platforma sau de a va inregistra, va rugam sa cititi, sa intelegeti si sa acceptati acesti termeni.

Toate drepturile de proprietate intelectuala legate de Consumer Voice, inclusiv dar fara a se limita la marci inregistrate, design-uri, logo-uri, continut, software si functionalitati, sunt proprietatea exclusiva a Wave Advertising Group SRL. Utilizarea neautorizata, reproducerea sau distribuirea oricaror astfel de materiale este strict interzisa si va rezulta in actiuni legale conform legilor aplicabile.

Termenii si conditiile se aplica acestei platforme si, acolo unde este cazul, altor facilitati pe care le oferim, stabilind conditiile in care sunt furnizate atunci cand vizitati, va inregistrati sau aplicati pentru a participa la campanii sau sondaje desfasurate prin platforma Consumer Voice.

Termenii si Conditiile nu se aplica continutului site-urilor web sau serviciilor apartinand unor terte parti. Facilitatile sunt oferite sub conditia acceptarii de catre dumneavoastra a Termenilor si Conditiilor descrise aici. Continuarea utilizarii constituie acordul dumneavoastra deplin cu acesti termeni, conditii si orice modificari ulterioare. Recunoasteti si sunteti de acord sa respectati Termenii si Conditiile, impreuna cu Politica de Confidentialitate, disponibila, si orice alte ghiduri pe care le putem emite periodic ca suplimente.

2. Domeniul de aplicare al Termenilor

Termenii si Conditiile se aplica tuturor caracteristicilor, uneltelor si facilitatilor oferite de platforma Consumer Voice, inclusiv dar fara a se limita la:

Termenii de Serviciu sunt aplicabili si oricaror actualizari, modificari sau extinderi ale platformei introduse de Consumer Voice in viitor.

3. Continut si Servicii ale Tertelor Parti

Acesti Termeni si Conditii nu se aplica site-urilor web, aplicatiilor sau serviciilor externe apartinand unor furnizori terti. Consumer Voice nu isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru continutul, acuratetea sau functionalitatea acestor resurse externe.

4. Acceptare si Conformitate

Facilitatile oferite prin Consumer Voice sunt conditionate de acceptarea deplina de catre dumneavoastra a termenilor descrisi in acest document. Prin continuarea utilizarii platformei, sunteti de acord sa respectati:

Nerespectarea acestor termeni poate duce la suspendarea sau incetarea contului dumneavoastra, precum si la pierderea punctelor acumulate sau a privilegiilor.

5. Modificari ale Termenilor

Consumer Voice isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica acesti Termeni de Serviciu la discretia sa. Orice schimbari vor fi comunicate membrilor prin notificari pe platforma sau prin email cu cel putin 10 zile inainte de intrarea lor in vigoare. Continuarea utilizarii platformei dupa intrarea in vigoare a schimbarilor semnifica acceptarea de catre dumneavoastra a termenilor revizuiti.

6. Confirmarea Acceptarii

Prin accesarea sau utilizarea platformei, confirmati acceptarea acestor Termeni de Serviciu si a tuturor politicilor aferente, actualizate periodic. Daca nu sunteti de acord cu orice parte a acestor termeni, trebuie sa incetati utilizarea platformei. 

Section 1: Definitions

“Consumer Voice Platform” – A digital platform accessible through the website and the Consumer Voice mobile application, designed to facilitate consumer engagement, including surveys, product testing, review activities, and rewards redemption.

“Survey Community” – A segment of the Consumer Voice Platform where registered members, referred to as “Panelists,” participate in market research surveys aimed at gathering opinions and feedback to shape products and services.

“UGC Community” – A segment of the Consumer Voice Platform focused on user-generated content. Members, referred to as “UGC Creators,” are invited to create and share authentic content such as reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, or social media posts related to their experience with products or services provided by Consumer Voice partners.

“User-Generated Content” (UGC) – Any content voluntarily created and submitted by members of the Consumer Voice Platform, including but not limited to written reviews, photos, videos, testimonials, social media posts, and other media, related to campaigns, surveys, or product testing activities. By submitting UGC, members grant Consumer Voice the rights outlined in this document, allowing its use for promotional, marketing, and research purposes.

“Profile Questionnaire” – A mandatory set of questions completed by each member upon registration to provide personal, demographic, and household information. The responses are used to match members with campaigns and surveys relevant to their interests, preferences, and habits.

“Research Survey” – A structured questionnaire or set of questions provided by Consumer Voice or its partners, designed to collect insights, opinions, and feedback from members for market research purposes. Surveys may be rewarded with points or other incentives based on successful completion.

“Voucher” or “Sample” – Free products, samples, or vouchers distributed to members for testing and evaluation. Members are encouraged to provide honest feedback or reviews based on their experiences, which are shared through the Consumer Voice Platform.

“Campaign” – A coordinated activity organized by Consumer Voice or its partners, inviting members to participate in specific tasks such as surveys, product testing, or content creation, often with opportunities to earn rewards.

“Reward” – Points, vouchers, or other benefits earned by members for completing surveys, campaigns, or other platform activities. Members may choose to convert their points into cash, products, or other benefits as detailed below:

  1. Cash Payments: Members may opt to convert their accumulated points into cash, which is processed through their provided bank details. Payments are subject to verification and compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
  2. Products and Benefits: Members may choose to redeem their points for products, gift cards, or other benefits offered through Consumer Voice’s partners’ websites. Such redemptions are governed by the terms and availability outlined by the respective partner.

Rights of Consumer Voice Regarding User-Generated Content and Survey Data

  1. Ownership: All UGC submitted to the Consumer Voice Platform remains the intellectual property of the member who created it. However, by submitting UGC, the member grants Consumer Voice and its partners a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, and worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, translate, distribute, and display the content in any format, for purposes including but not limited to marketing, research, and promotional campaigns.
  2. Attribution: Consumer Voice may, at its discretion, attribute UGC to its creator when using the content in public or promotional materials.
  3. Anonymized Survey Data: Data collected from Research Surveys is anonymized and aggregated for analysis. Consumer Voice retains full rights to this anonymized data for use in reports, research studies, and client deliverables.
  4. Non-Disclosure of Personal Data: While UGC and survey responses may be used for research and promotional purposes, any personally identifiable information (PII) provided as part of the Profile Questionnaire or other platform activities is protected under the Privacy Policy and will not be disclosed without the member’s explicit consent.

Section 2: Acceptance of Terms and Conditions; Modifications

2.1 Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
By using the Consumer Voice Platform, members agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions (T&C). Acceptance of the T&C is considered complete and unconditional upon performing any of the following actions:
a) Registering and creating an account on the Consumer Voice Platform.
b) Checking the box or otherwise affirming agreement to the T&C during registration.
c) Participating in campaigns, surveys, or other activities on the Consumer Voice Platform.

2.2 Modifications to Terms and Conditions
Consumer Voice reserves the right to modify the T&C at its sole discretion. Any updates to the T&C will be communicated to members at least 10 days prior to the effective date, either via email or platform notifications.

Section 3: Registration and User Account

3.1 Creating an Account
To access the features of the Consumer Voice Platform, members must create a user account by completing the registration process. This includes providing accurate and up-to-date personal information and completing the Profile Questionnaire.

3.2 User Responsibilities
Members agree to:
a) Provide only true and accurate information during registration and Profile Questionnaire updates.
b) Keep account credentials secure and confidential.
c) Notify Consumer Voice immediately in case of any unauthorized access or breach of their account.

3.3 Personal Use Only
Each account is personal to the registered member and cannot be shared, transferred, or sold. Members are prohibited from creating multiple accounts.

3.4 Account Termination
Consumer Voice reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts in cases of:

Section 4: Using the Consumer Voice Platform

4.1 Purpose of Use
The Consumer Voice Platform is intended solely for the purposes of:
a) Participating in Research Surveys and campaigns.
b) Creating and sharing User-Generated Content (UGC).
c) Earning and redeeming rewards as outlined in the T&C.
d) Accessing Consumer Voice Resources, including the Knowledge Hub and Community Centers, for educational and informational purposes.

The platform must not be used for any unlawful purposes or in any manner inconsistent with these T&C.

4.2 Access and Availability
Consumer Voice provides access to the platform “as is” and does not guarantee uninterrupted service or the absence of errors. Members are encouraged to report any issues to the support team for resolution.

4.3 Consumer Voice Resources
The Consumer Voice Platform offers members access to resources designed to empower and educate them, including:

Consumer Voice Resources are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. Members are expected to adhere to community guidelines when engaging with these resources.

4.4 Member Contributions
Members may contribute UGC or survey responses. By doing so, they agree to the following:

4.5 Participation in Research Activities
Consumer Voice may require members to:
a) Install apps, extensions, or devices on their computers, smartphones, or other devices to participate in research studies or campaigns.
b) Record video, audio, or written responses during survey or campaign activities.

Consumer Voice ensures that all such requests will be clearly communicated, and members’ consent will be obtained prior to participation. Members agree to follow the provided guidelines for using these apps, extensions, or devices and acknowledge that any misuse may lead to suspension from the platform.

4.6 Redemption of Rewards
Members may redeem points earned through platform activities as follows:
a) Cash payments through their registered bank details.
b) Products or benefits available through Consumer Voice partner websites.

Consumer Voice reserves the right to verify the member’s identity and account status before processing any rewards.

4.7 Misuse of the Platform
Misuse includes but is not limited to:

Consumer Voice reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to the platform for any misuse and may take additional legal action where necessary.

Section 5: Responsibilities and Liabilities

5.1 Member Responsibilities
By using the Consumer Voice Platform, members agree to:
a) Provide accurate and honest information in their profile questionnaires, survey responses, and other submissions.
b) Use the platform in good faith and only for the intended purposes outlined in these T&C.
c) Safeguard their account credentials and ensure they are not shared with third parties.
d) Notify Consumer Voice immediately if they suspect unauthorized access to their account or misuse of their credentials.
e) Participate in surveys, campaigns, or research activities responsibly, adhering to specific guidelines for app installations, device usage, or content creation.
f) Submit applications for participation in specific campaigns or research surveys only if they meet the eligibility criteria specified in the campaign or survey guidelines.
g) Honor their commitment to campaigns after being accepted; participation cannot be canceled once approved.
h) Comply with all campaign and survey guidelines; failure to do so may result in the loss of points as per the Points and Rewards System Guidelines, and repeated non-compliance may lead to account termination.
i) Use the Consumer Voice Resources (Knowledge Hub and Community Centers) respectfully and in accordance with the community guidelines.

5.2 Prohibited Activities
Members must refrain from the following actions:
a) Submitting false, incomplete, or misleading survey responses, UGC, or other contributions.
b) Creating multiple accounts or engaging in fraudulent activities to exploit rewards systems.
c) Applying for campaigns or surveys they are not eligible for or knowingly providing inaccurate information to gain access.
d) Canceling participation in a campaign after being accepted, as doing so will result in penalties under the Points and Rewards System Guidelines.
e) Using the platform to share inappropriate, offensive, defamatory, or illegal content.
f) Misusing apps, extensions, or devices provided for research purposes, including tampering with their functionality.
g) Attempting to hack, alter, or disrupt the platform, including engaging in activities that compromise its security or performance.

Any violations of these rules may result in immediate suspension or termination of access to the platform and forfeiture of any accumulated points or rewards.

5.3 Consumer Voice Responsibilities
Consumer Voice is committed to:
a) Ensuring that the platform operates effectively and efficiently, with minimal disruptions.
b) Protecting members’ personal data in accordance with the Politica de Confidentialitate and relevant data protection laws.
c) Providing clear instructions for participating in surveys, campaigns, and other platform activities.
d) Transparently communicating changes to T&C, rewards policies, or platform features.
e) Assessing applications for campaigns or research surveys fairly and communicating acceptance or rejection within the timeframes specified in the campaign guidelines.

5.4 Limitation of Liability
Consumer Voice strives to maintain a stable and secure platform; however, it cannot be held responsible for:
a) Technical issues, including downtime or interruptions, that may affect platform accessibility or member activities.
b) The quality, accuracy, or results of surveys, campaigns, or other research activities conducted through the platform.
c) Third-party services or platforms linked to or integrated with the Consumer Voice Platform, including partner websites or payment processors.
d) Losses resulting from misuse of member accounts due to negligence in safeguarding account credentials.
e) Members’ failure to meet eligibility criteria for specific campaigns or surveys, resulting in their application being rejected.

5.5 Reward Redemption and Payments
Consumer Voice facilitates the redemption of points through cash payments, product vouchers, or other partner benefits, but it assumes no liability for:
a) Delays caused by incomplete or incorrect bank details provided by members.
b) Availability of products or benefits on partner websites.
c) Any disputes arising between members and third-party partners regarding redeemed rewards.

5.6 Campaign and Survey Participation
Members who apply for campaigns or research surveys:
a) Must meet all eligibility criteria specified in the campaign or survey guidelines.
b) Understand that their participation is subject to approval by Consumer Voice or its partners, based on the accuracy of the information provided during application.
c) Cannot cancel participation in a campaign once accepted. Non-compliance with the campaign’s guidelines will lead to penalties, including point deductions, as outlined in the 

Points and Rewards System Guidelines.
d) Repeated failure to comply with campaign or survey requirements may result in the termination of the member’s account and forfeiture of all accumulated points and rewards.
e) Agree to provide feedback, UGC, or other deliverables required as part of the campaign or survey.

5.7. User-Submitted Content
Certain use of the Consumer Voice Platform may require members to post, upload, or otherwise submit content (collectively referred to as “Content”) to the platform. This Content may include, but is not limited to, posts, text, images, videos, audio, designs, and any other user-generated material collected, reproduced, or published from public information available on various websites, social media accounts, or other sources.

By submitting Content to Consumer Voice:

  1. Rights Representation:
    Members represent and warrant that they have the legal right to submit such Content, and that its use as contemplated by these Terms and Conditions does not violate any third-party rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or applicable laws (including the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).
  2. Indemnification:
    Members agree to indemnify and hold Consumer Voice harmless from any claims, losses, damages, or disputes arising from or related to the submission, reproduction, or publication of such Content.
  3. License Grant:
    Members grant Consumer Voice a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, fully paid license to use the submitted Content in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or as required for Consumer Voice’s contractual obligations, including marketing, research, and promotional activities.
  4. Liability:
    Members acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible and liable for any damages, losses, or third-party claims resulting from their Content submissions. Consumer Voice is not responsible or liable for any misuse or third-party disputes regarding submitted Content.

5.8 Reporting and Resolution of Issues
Members encountering issues with the platform, surveys, or rewards are encouraged to:
a) Contact the Consumer Voice support team through the designated support channels provided on the platform.
b) Provide detailed information to facilitate swift resolution of the reported issue.

Consumer Voice will make reasonable efforts to address member concerns promptly.

5.9 Suspension or Termination of Membership
Consumer Voice reserves the right to suspend or terminate a member’s account under the following circumstances:
a) Violation of these T&C or applicable laws.
b) Engagement in fraudulent, abusive, or unethical activities.
c) Repeated failure to comply with campaign or survey guidelines, or frequent cancellations of campaign participation post-acceptance.
d) Extended inactivity of 24 months or more without participation in surveys, campaigns, or other platform activities.

Terminated accounts will forfeit any remaining points or rewards.

5.10 Acknowledgment of Platform Use
By using the platform, members acknowledge that they:
a) Understand the nature of activities conducted on the Consumer Voice Platform, including participation in research, UGC creation, and interaction with community resources.
b) Agree to abide by these T&C and any other rules or guidelines communicated by Consumer Voice.

Section 6: Liability and Limitations

6.1 Member Liability
Members acknowledge that their use of the Consumer Voice Platform is at their own risk and agree to the following:
a) Members are fully responsible for the accuracy and honesty of the information provided in their profile questionnaires, surveys, and UGC submissions.
b) Members must ensure that all content submitted complies with the platform’s guidelines and legal standards, avoiding fraudulent, defamatory, or inappropriate material.
c) Members are responsible for any damages caused to Consumer Voice, its partners, or other members due to violations of these T&C, including fraudulent applications or misuse of platform resources.
d) Members must fulfill all obligations associated with accepted campaigns or research surveys. Failure to comply with campaign or survey guidelines will result in penalties as per the Points and Rewards System Guidelines.

6.2 Consumer Voice Liability
Consumer Voice will endeavor to provide a reliable and efficient platform, but its liability is limited as follows:
a) Consumer Voice is not responsible for technical issues, such as interruptions or errors, that may affect the platform’s functionality or accessibility.
b) Consumer Voice does not guarantee the availability of campaigns, rewards, or partner products and services at any given time.
c) The platform serves as an intermediary between members and campaign organizers or research partners, and Consumer Voice is not liable for:

6.3 Campaign and Survey Limitations
a) Participation in campaigns or surveys is subject to approval by Consumer Voice or its partners, and applications may be rejected based on eligibility criteria.
b) Consumer Voice is not liable for missed opportunities or rewards resulting from a member’s ineligibility or non-compliance with campaign or survey requirements.
c) Members applying for campaigns or surveys acknowledge that they cannot cancel participation once approved, and any non-compliance may result in point deductions or account termination.

6.4 Limitation of Liability for Rewards
a) Consumer Voice facilitates the redemption of points into cash, products, or partner services, but it does not guarantee the availability or condition of rewards provided by third-party partners.
b) Consumer Voice is not liable for delays in reward delivery due to incomplete or incorrect information provided by members, including banking details.
c) In cases of product defects or service issues, members must address disputes directly with the third-party provider.

6.5 Platform Use and Technical Limitations
a) Consumer Voice provides the platform “as is” and does not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free access to its features.
b) Members are responsible for ensuring their devices meet the platform’s technical requirements.
c) While Consumer Voice implements robust security measures, it is not liable for device malfunctions, data breaches, or cyberattacks caused by external factors.
d) Consumer Voice does not guarantee compatibility with third-party software or devices required for specific research campaigns.

6.6 Privacy and Data Security
a) Consumer Voice is committed to protecting member data in accordance with its Politica de Confidentialitate and applicable data protection laws.
b) However, Consumer Voice is not liable for data breaches caused by unauthorized access to member accounts due to negligence in safeguarding login credentials.
c) Members participating in campaigns requiring app installations or recordings consent to share the necessary data for research purposes.

6.7 Suspension or Termination of Access
Consumer Voice reserves the right to suspend or terminate a member’s account without prior notice for the following reasons:
a) Breach of these T&C, including fraudulent behavior or repeated non-compliance with campaign guidelines.
b) Failure to participate in platform activities for 24 months or more.
c) Engaging in activities that harm the platform’s reputation, security, or user experience.
d) Providing false or misleading information during account registration, campaign applications, or survey participation.

Suspended or terminated accounts will forfeit all points and rewards, and Consumer Voice will not be liable for any claims arising from such actions.

6.8 Force Majeure
Consumer Voice is not liable for delays, interruptions, or failures in platform operations caused by events beyond its reasonable control, including natural disasters, technical outages, or governmental actions.

6.9 Reporting Issues and Resolution
Members encountering issues with the platform, campaigns, or rewards may contact Consumer Voice through the designated support channels.
a) Consumer Voice will strive to resolve reported issues promptly but cannot guarantee immediate resolutions in all cases.
b) Refunds or compensations are subject to the specific terms outlined in the Points and Rewards System Guidelines.

6.10 Acknowledgment of Limitations
By using the platform, members acknowledge and accept these limitations of liability and agree to use the platform in compliance with these T&C and all applicable laws.

Sectiunea 7: Drepturi de Proprietate Intelectuala

7.1 Ownership of Intellectual Property
Wave Advertising Group SRL holds all intellectual property rights to the Consumer Voice platform, including but not limited to:
a) The platform’s design, functionality, and software code.
b) All proprietary branding elements, including the Consumer Voice logo, graphics, and text.
c) Educational materials, guides, and content published in the Knowledge Hub or other resources available on the platform.

7.2 Restrictions on Use
Members are prohibited from:
a) Copying, modifying, or distributing any platform content without prior written consent from Consumer Voice.
b) Reverse engineering, decompiling, or otherwise attempting to extract the platform’s source code.
c) Using any elements of the platform to create derivative works, competing platforms, or for unauthorized commercial purposes.

7.3 Third-Party Content
a) The platform may feature content provided by third-party partners or vendors. Members must respect their intellectual property rights as per the applicable laws.
b) Consumer Voice is not responsible for any inaccuracies in third-party content displayed on the platform.

7.4 Member Content
a) Members grant Consumer Voice a royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual license to use, reproduce, and distribute any content submitted as part of their participation in campaigns or research studies.
b) Consumer Voice reserves the right to publish, edit, or remove member-submitted content for compliance with platform guidelines or legal standards.

Sectiunea 8: Date Personale si Confidentialitate

8.1 Data Collection and Usage
Consumer Voice collects and processes personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
a) Data collected includes, but is not limited to, profile information, survey responses, UGC submissions, and payment details for point conversions.
b) Data is used to personalize member experiences, match members to campaigns, and fulfill reward redemptions.

8.2 Data Sharing
a) Consumer Voice may share anonymized data with research partners and campaign organizers for analytical purposes.
b) Personal data is not shared with third parties without explicit member consent, except as required by law or for platform functionality.

8.3 Masuri de Securitate
Consumer Voice implementeaza masuri de securitate standard in industrie pentru a proteja datele membrilor. Totusi, platforma nu poate garanta protectia completa impotriva amenintarilor cibernetice.

8.4 Responsabilitatea Membrilor
Membrii sunt responsabili pentru protejarea credentialelor conturilor lor si trebuie sa notifice imediat Consumer Voice la in caz de acces neautorizat.

8.5 Consimtamant pentru Cercetare
Prin participarea la campanii sau sondaje de cercetare, membrii isi dau consimtamantul pentru colectarea si prelucrarea raspunsurilor lor in scopuri de cercetare.

Sectiunea 9: Legea Aplicabila si Jurisdictia

9.1 Legea Aplicabila
Acesti Termeni si Conditii sunt guvernati de legile Uniunii Europene si ale Romaniei.

9.2 Jurisdictia
a) Orice dispute care rezulta din utilizarea platformei vor fi rezolvate exclusiv in instantele competente din Bucuresti, Romania.
b) Membrii sunt de acord sa incerce mai intai rezolvarea amiabila prin contactarea Consumer Voice la inainte de a initia proceduri legale.

Sectiunea 10: Dispozitii Finale

10.1 Modificari ale Termenilor si Conditiilor
Consumer Voice isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica acesti T&C in orice moment.
a) Membrii vor fi notificati cu privire la orice modificari prin e-mail sau notificari pe platforma cu cel putin 10 zile inainte de implementare.
b) Continuarea utilizarii platformei dupa data implementarii constituie acceptarea T&C actualizati.

10.2 Clauza de Separabilitate
Daca orice prevedere din acesti T&C este considerata invalida sau inaplicabila, prevederile ramase vor ramane in vigoare si aplicabile.

10.3 Informatii de Contact
Pentru orice intrebari, plangeri sau asistenta, membrii pot contacta Consumer Voice la

10.4 Data Intrarii in Vigoare
Acesti T&C intra in vigoare la data de 12.12.2024 si inlocuiesc toate acordurile anterioare dintre membri si Consumer Voice.